Moreno Chiacchiera
Books by Moreno Chiacchiera
Everyday French: Quel Temps Fait-il? (Teacher Resource)
Everyday French: Bon Appétit! (Teacher Resource)
Everyday French: Célébrons les Fêtes (Teacher Resource)
Scholastic Literacy Skills: Spelling - Year 5 (Teacher Resource)
Scholastic Literacy Skills: Grammar and Punctuation - Year 5
Scholastic Literacy Skills: Grammar and Punctuation - Year 6
Creative Activities: Thinking and Learning Skills Ages 7-11
Multimodal Texts: Year 4
Series by Moreno Chiacchiera
Scholastic Literacy Skills
A complete resource to teach children key skills in grammar and punctuation, spelling, comprehension and vocabulary.
Everyday French
Imaginative French lessons using everyday topics – ideal for non-specialists.
Creative Activities
Creative Activities provides numerous creative activities for exploring different areas of the curriculum.
Multimodal Texts
Age-appropriate, mixed media texts for on-screen literacy lessons which support the renewed framework.