Fiona Beddall
Books by Fiona Beddall
Popcorn ELT Primary Readers Level 3: Jurassic World (Book only)
Popcorn ELT Primary Readers Level 3: Jurassic World (Book & CD)
Popcorn ELT Primary Readers Level 3: How to Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World (Book only)
Popcorn ELT Primary Readers Level 3: How to Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World (Book & CD)
Popcorn ELT Primary Readers Level 2: Jurassic Park (Book only)
Popcorn ELT Primary Readers Level 2: Jurassic Park (Book & CD)
Secondary ELT Readers Level 2: Sherlock: The Sign of Three (Book only)
Secondary ELT Readers Level 2: Sherlock: The Sign of Three (Book and CD)
Secondary ELT Readers Starter Level - Level 1: Malala (Book only)
Secondary ELT Readers Starter Level - Level 1: Malala (Book and CD)
DVD Readers CEF Level B1: Brilliant Britain: Breakfasts (Book and DVD)
DVD Readers CEF Level A2: Brilliant Britain: The Seaside (Book and DVD)
Series by Fiona Beddall
Secondary ELT Readers Starter Level - Level 1
Readers with real child-appeal. They include creative formats such as blogs and manga-stories as well fact-files, interviews and cross-cultural information.